"Much of the lifeblood of blogs is search engines – more than half the traffic for most blogs."
Developed by Google itself, this frontend framework is becoming more popular every day. AngularJS is a structured framework based on JavaScript. Many web developers love this framework the most because it allows them to create dynamic web applications quickly and easily.
When working with Angular, you are able to use standard CSS and HTML. Of course, there are also options to extend the existing or basic HTML.
Don't like wasting time writing code forever? Luckily, with Angular, you can use the functions of Dependency Injection and Data Binding. The client part of the application is easy to be made, yet the user part alone is often not enough for you, right? What you want are both base and backend parts.
Unfortunately, we have to be completely realistic and say that Angular cannot help you for such purposes. If you want to achieve such results, then this framework must be combined with some other technology. Any suggestions for the backend solution? You can use C #, for example.
How to introduce Angular to new developers in the easiest manner? Many often compare it to HTML, or what it's supposed to represent.
How to start learning Angular? Our advice is mostly always the same, for all new frameworks and programming languages - start with the official site. Also, if something is not clear to you, you will easily learn everything you need with additional links that you can also find on those official websites.
Of course, as with most frames, there are different versions of Angular. But, for starters, you shouldn't bother with that. For example, we will explain that on Angular 2 and Angular 4. They are actually very similar and differ only in a few libraries.
If you are a beginner, we suggest that you do not bother yourself with that, but instead relax and explore all the benefits of Angular through the official website we recommended.
Overall, we're sure you'll be able to use this framework for many different purposes.
Just remember that it would always be best to use Angular in combination with some other technology, to get perfect and complete results. In that case, there will be no disappointments.