"I think the search engines are the new equivalent of publishing: an enabler of information."
It's no secret that building tech often requires a lot of time, money, and energy. When it comes to simplifying the entire process, it's always a good idea to talk about no-code platforms that offer to create different digital products. One of such platforms would be Bubble, which allows everyone to build apps they want and need in a better and faster manner.
Many claims that Bubble.io is the most powerful no-code platform. It allows a variety of things, so you can literally build anything - marketplace, social network, or bring some other idea into reality.
The entire process of building a web app is super simple with Bubble. How to start? Just give your new app a unique name, and then go through a step-by-step tutorial that is super easy to follow. The good thing is that you can also change the primary language for your own application. That will affect date format, emails you may send, and all other sorts of communication.
Want to be more recognizable? There's also an option to upload your own icon that represents a certain brand or online business.
With Bubble.io, it's possible to install different plugins, which extends the entire functionality of a new website app. Easy to create, set up according to personal needs and desires, and ready to go.
There are over 1,609,349 people using Bubble.io already, and this number is increasing not just daily, but hourly. It's no surprise that there are more and more Bubblers all around the globe because it offers countless possibilities, and some of them definitely worth mentioning would be:
1. Prototype. If someone is not sure that they should make an investment, big or small, in some of their technical resources, it's always a good idea to demonstrate the plan with Bubble.io. It provides a vision of how something can turn out. Therefore, it definitely saves a lot of money, but it can also save energy and time. Bubble.io drives teams towards successful ideas and gives them a vision about what and where to invest with a purpose to succeed.
2. Time efficiency. It is obvious that free no-code platforms save time, but with Bubble.io it's somehow different - projects and tasks that require months to be done can be completed within just a few hours. Building internal tools and customer-facing web platforms is easier than ever.
3. Anyone in the team is capable to create the needed changes on the web app. From now on, you won't need a developer for every needed change in a web app. Anyone in the team can complete simple steps that will make certain apps even more powerful and useful.
4. No need to worry about infrastructure. Gaining traction and growing is easier than ever - it's literally done on its own.
Powerful products worldwide are created with Bubble on a daily basis. Designing, developing, and even running is suitable for anyone - no tech knowledge is needed. You don't need to be an expert with HTML and CSS anymore. It's possible to create multi-user apps both for desktop and mobile browsers, which provides users amazing and comfortable experience on every device. Dynamic content and interesting layouts are always mobile-friendly, set up for a better user experience. The result is always more customers, prospects, and even investors.
The best thing about Bubble.io is that it's suitable for building websites such as Airbnb and even Facebook.
Its scalable infrastructure allows everyone to have as much traffic as they want or need, as well as a number of users and data storage. Bubble.io is never limited, it allows everyone to expand to their maximum.
Some of the most successful companies worldwide that already use Bubble are Dividend, Qoins, Teal, Comet, and many others. These companies have already raised million in venture funding.
Bubble also has an active user community, forum, where you can simply ask questions, get solutions, and upgrade your web app even more.
API connections allow everyone to improve and extend the platform's core functionality. New elements and actions are always available.
Realizing a vision was never easier - if there's a need to find a perfect template or a new plugin, it can be all done in Bubble's marketplace. The Bubble is also connected with different agencies, which offers users to purchase different services from professionals all around the globe. The entire process of building a web app is not only simplified but definitely improved. The ability to connect with others and work on one project brings a chance of higher success.
Bilfas has found out that Bubble can bring amazing results, even when compared with traditional development. It's no secret that Bubble.io provides the same results as traditional development, but the difference is that this platform can do everything 80% faster and 70% cheaper.
Building a complex project doesn't require coding anymore.