"I think the search engines are the new equivalent of publishing: an enabler of information."
Before even starting the entire story about Laravel, we believe it may be good to make an introduction to what PHP is all about. For those who still don't know (although we're sure you know), PHP is known as one of the favorite and most common programming languages in the entire field of web development. As more and more users are starting to use PHP frameworks for different purposes, various types of them are being made with a purpose to help developers complete their projects in easier manner.
Today we will talk about Laravel, a PHP framework that already makes life much easier for all developers around the world! In addition, this framework is known for making work fun, due to the unique functions it provides.
Finally, everyone is able to enjoy the process of creating a web application.
Always keep in mind that it is possible to use Laravel for both small and large applications. Scalability, special features, and great performance make this framework a favorite among many developers. And now, we will reveal to you why is that so...
1. Model View Controller. Laravel uses the well-known MVC model, making it easier for developers to learn every single step of creating a web application. MVC has many built-in options, such as routing, authentication, sessions, and so on. Finally, writing syntax has become easy, and is understandable to almost anyone.
2. Modularity. What is modularity? This term represents the ability to disassemble and reassemble a particular application. The good side of Laravel is that it has extremely high modularity, making any project easier. You are now able to divide everything into smaller modules, create, modify, merge - in a way and in the order that suits you.
3. Dependency Management. Many people claim that this is one of the best and most important items that this PHP framework provides. No more strictly coded tools! Do you often face issues with the service container (IoC)? Fortunately, that will not be the case from now on.
4. Caching and routing. If you want to improve all the performance of your web application, you can use Laravel caching to sort the data faster. Want to create a RESTful app? With the Laravel routing method that is possible too!
5. Testing, testing... Besides testing, every developer wants to eliminate possible errors that may occur in the application. Laravel has a special function that will make testing easy, accurate, and even interesting.
6. Create custom controllers. With this PHP framework, it is possible to separate the logic for POST and GET requests.
7. Data formatting. The well-known Blade function in Laravel facilitates data formatting and provides the possibility of using different and useful layouts and templates. Also, you are able to try out the migration system and create database structures in a way that suits you.
8. Create a database query quickly and easily. From now on, you're capable to do it effortlessly by using many interesting additional features.
9. Support. With Laravel’s Eloquent ORM, constant support is guaranteed. Also, this PHP framework offers support for multiple file systems (either local or Cloud).
10. Ability to use multilingual applications and task control even on remote servers.
+ Pre-built commands that you'll enoy! Have you heard of Artisan? It is a well-known command-line tool of this PHP framework. From now on, you no longer have to go through the same or similar tasks that take up a lot of your time and energy.
When we think about everything listed above, we can easily come to only one conclusion - Yes, today it's easy and interesting to be a developer, with one of the best (if not the best), PHP framework - Laravel!