"To me, we’re marketing hope."
Finally, we encountered the times when there's no need to search for an experienced developer to create the app of your dreams. Actually, there's even no need for coding to achieve that. How? Meet Adalo...
Adalo is breaking all boundaries within the modern technology era in the fields of design tools and development. Imagine that you can create an app while just dragging and dropping needed and wanted components. Simple and easy - Adalo allows everyone to create their personal app in the way they've always desired.
Without code, but powerful as with code, Adalo can turn your startup idea to life, side hustle, or even a client's dream. The best thing about creating no-code apps is that everyone can do it - no technical knowledge is needed.
Add navigation bar, buttons, and text, and then create your own database. Connecting design to the database allows us to decide which data goes in certain lists, and that's when the app is ready to come to life. The possibility to automatically add interactions, together with database configuration without a simple code attracts more and more users worldwide.
Control the design - from shadows, through text, to even borders - make it personal, make it different, and always your way.
Adalo is suitable for literally every platform - both for iOS and Android. Transforming apps in a simple user experience is what we've been waiting for so long. From now on, you can even set up payments, subscriptions, save credit cards, bank transfers, and many other things you wish in the simplest manner.
Adalo also allows users to connect all their apps together, which leads everyone to a completely different experience.
The company's name comes from ADA LOvelace, who is considered the world's first programmer. Adalo wants to remind everyone about her innovative spirit and talented nature. Once, when everyone thought some computer problems are impossible to be solved, ADA LOvelace proved them the opposite. That's exactly how Adalo works as well...
Users worldwide claim that Adalo represents one of their favorite no-code solutions, especially when it comes to features and ease of use. Adalo is capable of uniting two important things - it's completely simplified, yet it's not simplistic. Many also compare it with "Lego" bricks because everyone can build and manipulate components in numerous different ways - assembling apps and systems is like playing a brick game.
When starting an online business, the costs may be truly high. After hiring needed developers and designers, people all around the globe claim that they don't have much money left to iterate on their products. Luckily, that's exactly where Adalo helps. Adding, adjusting, or even building a completely new app from scratch can be simply done, with no costs.
A lot of flexibility within the structure and layouts allows users to experiment while creating the best structure for their personal app. Adalo easily adapts to what every company requires, allowing making needed changes in every single moment.
Besides being shockingly easy to use, people also claim that Adalo customer service is very good and available at literally any moment. Reviews people left for Adalo tell us that it is impossible to create an application that looks and works badly. Working with Adalo is also fun and exciting, even for those who don't have any background in tech.
Of course, as with every platform, there are some cons. People who are using Adalo definitely have more positive than negative experiences, yet some have to be mentioned. Adalo cons would be limited features when compared to some other low-code or no-code tools. Another con is that it does not have a clear distinction of frontend and backend, as well as data.
If you have just heard about Adalo and decided to try it, know that there is a channel called #TwoMinuteTuesdays, where you'll be able to simply learn how to use all the components of this free platform. There are many pieces of advice shared related to custom lists, multi-sided apps, modals, empty states, navigation, audio player component, and LottieFiles components.
Adalo also constantly improves, so it's always a good idea to keep in touch with their new features and announcements. From new custom actions, through templates and clonable kits, to outputs - they are constantly working on Adalo with a purpose to allow everyone to make an app of their dreams.
Adalo believes that the future is no-code. The truth is that technology is constantly changing in a way where everyone is able to work online and create different applications with no need for technical knowledge. Besides that, everything is made easier so users can also have fun and experiment.
Overall, Bilfas thinks that Adalo may be your first and best choice if you are searching for a low-code or no-code platform that will help you save a lot of money and time but will also make building the app interesting and always focused on your personal goals and needs.